취업정보 Job Information
취업추천-한국벡크만쿨터(주) IT Trainee (5/12,12시까지) | |||||
작성일 | 17.04.24 | 작성자 | 채종희 | ||
조회수 | 4202 | ||||
게시물 내용* 기업정보 * 업무정보 Clinical IT team work software development, troubleshooting, maintenance of Beckman Coulter's products such as chemistry, immunoassay, hematology analyzers and automation systems. We provide interface and middleware solution between instruments and laboratory information system by customizing to improve workflow of customer site. With focusing on customer's requirement, we design high-quality systems so that our customers can more efficiently operate laboratory.
1. Job Description - Support Interface Program for Diagnostic Instrument by Coding, Debugging, Testing - Resolve Software Issues of Customer Site - Install and Maintain Middleware Solution
2. Qualification - BS in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Biomedical Engineering preferred or Other Related Field - Knowledge of relevant software and Programming Language (VB, VB.NET, Java, C#, Delphi) - Familiarity with relational databases, MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle - Business level English: Business Level
3. 채용조건 - 근무기간: 2017/06/01-2017/12/31 (7개월) - 고용형태: 인턴 (평가 후 정규직 전환여부 결정) - 근무지: 서울시 강남구 수서동
4. 전형절차 서류전형-> 부서장/인사면접-> 임원면접-> 최종합격
5. 접수기간 및 방법 - 2017년 5월 12일(금) 오후 12시까지 MS Doc 자유양식 이력서 접수 - 접수방법: msseok@beckman.com (석미송) *학부 추천을 원하는 분은 5/10(수)까지 02-910-6701 또는 asam09@kookmin.ac.kr로 문의 및 이력서 제출 바랍니다. |